
Universal gateway to Web3

OWallet supports all web3 activities on most common liquidity networks, which are

  • Bitcoin

  • EVM-based: Ethereum, BNB Chain, Oasis / Oasis Sapphire

  • Cosmos-based: Oraichain, Osmosis, Injective, Cosmos Hub...

  • TVM-based: TRON network

OWallet is forked from Keplr extension and continuously developed by Oraichain Labs.

OWallet’s key features

  • Supports multiple accounts Bitcoin & Cosmos-based & EVM-based networks simultaneously

  • Universal swap across various networks

  • Portfolio management with cross-chain assets: Multi accounts, Send/Recieve, Price history...

  • History of on-chain activities

  • Friendly interface on transaction confirmation

  • Future support for Ledger hardware wallets;

  • Available on mobile apps and web extensions for greater accessibility.

Source code: https://github.com/oraichain/owallet (You can create a pull request to add your network.)

OWallet website: https://owallet.dev

Contact: https://x.com/owallet_dev

Last updated